Friday 20 December 2013


  weehuuu..found this at MamaQaireen ..rase tercabar gak la ni nak buat jugak cabaran 30 hari, 30 entry...hahaha keep it up!!
jom kite tgk tajuk2 entry utk 30 hari akan datang :)
day 1: introduction and a little bit about you. Recent picture of yourself.

day 2: meaning behind your blog name

day 3: A place or thing that you are in love with. (Pick one)

day 4: All about your parents

day 5: Your top 5 songs of all time.

day 6: A picture, scene from a movie or a joke that makes you crack up.

day 7:A book you’d recommend.

day 8: The best place you’ve traveled to.

day 9: A Goal you are working on.

day 10: You are now ruler of the world what do you do with your new found power?

day 11: A quote that means a lot to you.

day 12: On do overs, what in your life would you want to do over?

day 13: A Cause, belief or something you are passionate about.

day 14: favorite place to eat

day 15: something you miss

day 16:The best things to happen to you this week.

day 17: 3 things you are proud of about your personality.

day 18:Things that make you scared.

day 19:If you could change one thing about the world, what would you change and why?

day 20:If you could turn into any animal for a day, which one would you pick?

day 21:What did you want to be when you were a kid, teenager, now?

day 22:Things you want to say to 5 different people.

day 23:Write a letter to yourself in 30 years.

day 24:Take a photo of something in the same room as you and tell us a little bit about it.

day 25:Who do you consider your best friend right now in life?

day 26:Talk about your obsessions.

day 27:What are your bad habits?

day 28: The most important person in the world.

day 29: 10 ways to win your heart.

day 30: Your GOAL for next 30 days.
so hari ni kite start dgn crite ttg diri sendiri kan..ehem ehem hehe..saye Nurul Alwani bt Mohd Kasim, lahir 23 Jun for today saye dh berumur 29 tahun..yup tahun depan masuk 30 dah xpela,muda lagi whaatt hahaha..

saye keje as a tau jadi nurse ni leh tolong orang, jage orang smpai sihat...berbunga la hati bile patient balik ckp 'terima kasih byk2 ye misi/nurse' ape pun xkesahla,pk itu dh tangungjawab kite susah senang insyaAllah Allah swt tolong :)

me n boyfriend..kihkih

ooppss sape plak tu hehe..itulah saye n hubby, gmbr time honeymoon kat Langkawi..tu kitorang dalam cable car,naik smpai atas best cantek view :) rase mmg nak g lagi Langkawi honeymoon tapi kene bw anak2 skali la..mmg plan dari dulu tp asik beranak je pospon percutian ecewaahh lawak jew..

our first sweethearrtt!! sweett kan kan kan hehe..mase ni dh setahun die Muhammad Amirul Hazim..jenuh kitorang carik dlm buku,gabungkan mane2 yg berkenan tp ofkos ade makne kan..x silap meaning die ' khalifah yang tegas' kot, sbb pk die anak sulung eloklah tegas ngan adik2 die...alih2 dah tegas sgt dah ni,4 tahun lebih dah..hazim lahir 30/03/2009 :)

ayah die navy,thats why pakai topi hehe..nak jadi navy jugak ke sayaanngg..x payahlaa hahaha..

2nd sweetheart!! Muhammad Amirul Hakim,boboi jugak ahaks..alhamdulillah syukur sgt2 hehe..bambam x, alhamdulillah menyusukan susu ibu sehingga setahun pastu campur dah..alhamdulillah rezeki :) born on 21/01/2011 :)

ni kire gmbar terbaru saye la ek haha.. tahun 2011 mmm..ala xbyk bezaa pun..haha xpelah nt i update gmbar baru kay..

sekarang makin cun kot hahaha xtahan yela shaklee punye pasal kan ofkos la kene jage badan n muka...lagi2 dah anak 3 sekarang..3? apsal gmbar dua jee..haaa our third sweetheart is Nur Auni FIrdina (gugurl!!) nt i update gmbar die orait..xjumpelaa plak usb nak cucuk hset pindah gmbar hehe..

well thats all for now,at late nite haha..see uollss at my 2nd entryy!!muaxxx

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