Monday 30 March 2015

ku sudah jatuh cintaa..

mm lamanye x update blog bad,sendri x push diri utk write something in my blog..huhu

so hari ni nak crite skit pasal kebaikan lemon..haaa msti uollz suke minum lemon ais kan kan..

lemon sgt bagus diambil pada waktu pagi,lepas je bangun tidur kan, ambik sebiji lemon,diperah dan campur dgn segelas air suam bersama sesudu madu,jika suka...

senangkan?x susah,skjp je,kalau bgn pagi nak rush kan,sempat je buat..kene istiqamah,buat secara konsisten,br hasil pun kebaboomm..hehehe

ape istimewanya?knape nak buat jugak?

"....Honey and Lemon Juice

Honey can also help in weight loss when consumed with warm water and lemon juice. Many people drink this formula as a start to their day as a way of stimulating weight loss. Honey is packed with 22 amino acids and a number of valuable vitamins and minerals, many of which benefit the body’s metabolism. By regulating the function of the metabolism, food is utilized properly, fat is converted into usable energy, and overall health is improved.

The lemon juice in this mixture also is loaded with Vitamin-C (also known as ascorbic acid), which increases liver function and fat metabolism. Furthermore, lemon juice increases the function of glutathione, which is a key antioxidant for detoxification and quick slimming.

Combining the weight loss powers of lemon juice with the metabolism-stimulating effects of honey, this elixir, if drunk once a day, can give you some seriously attractive results!.."

haa kalau perempuan mesti suka kan kan..boleh turun berat badaann..siapa tak suka? betul tak..tapi bukan tu je khasiatnya,byk lagi..contoh,kenapa nak ambil awal pagi,masa perut kosong?

lemon diketahui dapat MEMBANTU :-
-meningkatkan sistem perkumuhan dgn meningkatkan pengeluaran enzim2 penting utk mencernakan makanan.

-mengurangkan tekanan darah tinggi,depress

-kaya dgn vitamin c

-mengurangkan pengambilan kalori berlebihan

-rehidrasi badan yg bagus

-mengurangkan sembelit

daannn byk lagi khasiatnya..boleh rujuk utk ketahui dgn lebih lanjut����

overall,its a really realky good drink 4 everybody..minum secara konsisten setiap pagi dan anda akan rasa lebih hebat n yakin����wah wah xtahan ayat hehe..

say yeahh to good health����

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